“Warm Spaces”

October 13, 2022 Janice Rhodes
(Last Updated On: 13/10/2022)

As our input into Welshpool’s “Warm Spaces” initiative – to provide a ‘warm space’ for local people who might be finding it difficult to heat their homes throughout the day this winter – we are offering a warm welcome to any who would like to come in and join us at any of our activities throughout the week:- Monday morning, Coffee Morning and also Singing Group; Wednesday afternoons, Craft Group; 1st Wednesday afternoon in the month, Mid-Week Movies; 1st Friday afternoon in the month, Old Time Singalong; 3rd Friday afternoon in the month, Friday Fellowship (usually with a speaker followed by tea and cakes);1st Saturday morning in the month, Coffee, Scones and Cakes; 3rd Saturday in the month, Lunches (£6 Lunch Deal)  ALL WELCOME.